
What Are Some Preventive Measures from Pressure Sores?

Skin Care
  • Provide good skin care by keeping it clean and dry.
  • Gentiy massage skin over pressure areas with moisturizing lotion to
keep It soft and supple.

When bowel or bladder control is a problem:
- Cleanse skin as soon as it is soiled;
- Use ointments to protect skin from urine and stoo! after each cleansing
- Avoid friction - lift, do not slide the patient in bed - use draw sheets
or pads to lift when changing positions.
- Often Change the Patient position in bed, change position every two hours or early in chair. Move weight every 15 minutes, lifting hips as you lean from side to side.
  • Use special mattress (for example, or tho mattress) - it can help distribute weight more evenly.
  • Use pillows: Between the knees when lying on the side and under calves
  • when on the back (protects heels).
  • Use elbow and heel protestors (water-inflated rubber gloves).
  • Use a simple bed cradle and light bed covers.
  • Avoid sheets made of synthetic materials.
  • Avoid creases or crumbs in covers and sheets.
  • Provide wrinkle free bed.
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