Ectopic Pregnancy – is a pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, most frequently occurring in the fallopian tube.
Signs and Symptoms Ectopic Pregnancy
Signs and Symptoms Ectopic Pregnancy
- Delayed menses or irregular bleeding
- Slightly dark to heavy fresh per vaginum blood loss
- Unilateral or bilateral pain
- Fainting/ dizziness
- Shoulder tip pain
- Pain on defecation, diarrhoea and/or gastrointestinal symptoms
Nursing Action/Management of Ectopic pregnancy
- Monitor the mother’s vital signs, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, and effectiveness of breathing
- Monitor the fetal heart tones and assess fetal movement.
- Monitor blood loss volume
- Monitor therapy closely for the patient’s therapeutic response
- Monitor closely for the development of adverse reactions to therapy Keep the patient, family,
- Monitor the patient’s laboratory and x-ray results and notify the physician of critical abnormalities