Diverticular disease occurs when pouches (diverticula) in the intestine, usually the large intestine or colon, become inflamed.
Signs and symptoms of Diverticular disease
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Persistent abdominal pain and getting worse, starting from below the navel and then moves to the left side down (though it can appear on the right for Asians due to genetic differences)
- Fever (high temperature)
- Frequent urination and sometimes painful
- Change in bowel habits
- Nausea and vomiting
Nursing Managment for A Client with Diverticulitis
- Maintain bed rest for the patient with acute diverticulitis.
- Monitor patient nutritional level and diet plan
- Give patient liquid diet as per order.
- Measure temperature every 4 hours
- Patient have not tollret(Nausea,vomiting) orlly than insert NG Tube insert and attachi it to intermittient suction as per order
- Make sure client's have not recevies by mouth
- If diverticular bleeding occures,the client's may require angiography.
- Monitor the patient for signs and symptoms of complication.
- Patient have not comfortble feel give psychological support.
- Monitor intake and output and docoment
- Give miedication monitor the patient possible adverse effects